Top 7 Ed Tech Trends to Look Forward to in 2015

It's an exciting time to be an educator! The use of technology in the classroom is expanding curriculum development opportunities and fueling a passion for learning in students - and teachers. Here's our take on the 7 ed tech trends to look out for this coming year!

1. Common Core Computerized Testing

With many states planning for computerized assessment of the Common Core standards this spring, teachers are getting into gear to make sure students are proficient using computers and tablets. Mastering skills like clicking, swiping, drop-down menus, troubleshooting problems and typing can make the difference between success and failure.

2. Blended Learning Becomes More Prevalent

Using technology to augment lesson plans increases retention and excitement in students, so expect to see more blended learning in classrooms across the country.

3. Flipped Learning Technology Improves

A type of blended learning where students watch video instruction at home and then participate in discussion and homework assignments in the classroom, flipped learning technology is bound to improve and increase to meet the needs of today's classrooms. Flipped classrooms have improved passing rates and decreased discipline cases.

4. Assistive Technology Use Increases

According to a recent Gartner report, 15% of the population could benefit from assistive technologies, and we'd all benefit from the innovation behind these technological developments.

5. Mobile Learning Apps Improve

Whether it's learning a new language or brushing up on math skills, mobile learning apps help develop a lifelong love of learning, allowing students to explore their passions. As the market for these apps expands, developers will be tasked with improving functionality and usability to succeed.

6. 1:1 Programs Expand

More and more school systems are adopting 1:1 programs to ensure equity in learning, afterschool access, and easier performance monitoring, in addition to other benefits. With many areas talking about eliminating snow days in favor of remote learning, 1:1 programs will become even more essential.

7. Awareness of Digital Divide Increases

With the overall increase in technology use in and out of the classroom, teachers are becoming more and more aware that the digital divide is causing a drop in the performance of their low-income students and that they must do something about it. Expect to see a focus from administrators on bridging the digital divide through take-home programs, as well as Internet connectivity.

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