Data and Trends

    Mobile Broadband
    3 min read

    [INFOGRAPHIC] Extend the Classroom with Wi-Fi on Your Buses

    With 26,000,000 student bus riders across the nation, how can we extend the classroom to help them succeed? Kajeet, in conjunction with School Transportation... Read More
    Digital Learning
    7 min read

    What is the New Role of School District CIOs?

    As technology continues to permeate every aspect of education, school district chief information officers (CIOs) can no longer operate in silos. Technology is... Read More
    Digital Learning
    9 min read

    Do Students Really Need Social Media to Learn?

    Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Pinterest. Tumblr. YouTube. Snapchat. Reddit. Go back to the year 2000, and these words would have sounded like pure gibberish.... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    3 min read

    Study: Tablet Use, Including Home Broadband, Improved Test Scores

    Project Tomorrow and Kajeet announced the results from the Making Learning Mobile study, a three-year-long study, whose final results show that tablet usage increased... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    7 min read

    Study: Tablet Use, Including Home Broadband, Improved Test Scores

    Project Tomorrow and Kajeet announced the results from the Making Learning Mobile study, a three-year-long study, whose final results show that tablet usage... Read More
    Mobile Broadband
    4 min read

    Top 10 Educational Websites

    Which Educational Websites Are Your Students Visiting the Most? With more and more websites promoting educational content and helping teachers augment... Read More